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How Property Taxes are Calculated on a New Home: The Step-by-Step Guide

Home Buying Tips

If you’re in the market for a new home, you’re probably wondering how property taxes will be calculated. It’s a valid question—after all, you don’t want to be blindsided with a huge tax bill come next year!

In this blog post, we’ll walk you through the step-by-step process of calculating property taxes on a new home. You can plan for and budget your annual property tax bill by understanding the process. Let’s get started!

What are property taxes?

Property taxes are local taxes on real estate paid to the government. Taxes are collected by a county tax collector and used to fund schools, roads, police and fire services, and other public works projects.

How to calculate property taxes: step-by-step instructions

First things first – let’s start with the basic formula for calculating your property taxes. The formula is:

  • Property Tax = (Assessed Value * Tax Rate) / 1000

To calculate your property tax, you’ll need to know the following information:

  • The assessed value of your home
  • The tax rate for your county or municipality

Now let’s walk through the step-by-step process of calculating your property taxes on a new home.

Step One: Determine the assessed value of your home

The first step is to determine the assessed value of your home. This is determined by your local government and can be found on your property tax bill or the assessor’s website.

So, what is the assessed value of a home?

The assessed value is not the same as the market value. It’s an estimate of how much your local government thinks your home would be worth on the open market, minus any exemptions or credits.

How is your home worth determined?

Your home’s value is determined by several factors, including square footage, age, location, and condition. Some country areas use a mass appraisal process to determine home assessments. This automated system uses algorithms and statistical models to estimate property values.

Step Two: Find the tax rate for your county or municipality

Next, you’ll need to find the tax rate for your county or municipality. This is also available on the assessor’s website, but you may need to contact them for more information about how this rate was determined.

Step Three: Plug those numbers into our formula

Now that we have all of our data points in place let’s plug those numbers into our formula. Here’s how it works:

  • Property Tax = (Assessed Value * Tax Rate) / 1000

So, if your home is assessed at $200,000 and the tax rate for your county or municipality is 0.0150, then:

  • Property Tax = ($200,000*0.0150) / 1000

Which gives us a property tax of $3000 per year.

Step Four: Call the tax collector’s office if you have any questions

And that’s it! You’ve now calculated your property taxes on a new home. If you have any questions about the process, contact your local government or tax collector’s office for more information.
It is important to note that tax rates change over time due to inflation and other factors.


Now that you know how to calculate your property taxes, it’s essential to budget each year. You can do this by setting aside a certain amount of money each month or working with a financial planner to create a plan that works best for you. By planning, you’ll be able to avoid any surprises when it comes time to pay your property taxes.

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